Founded in Oman in 2010 by dedicated specialists, the Nutrition and Diet Center is the first dedicated. The Nutrition and Diet Center's mission goes beyond the concept of weight loss, to that of helping the region's communities achieve a better way of living.
As pioneers in the region, we are proud that The Diet Center's efforts have led our regional governments to place good nutritional practices on their agenda.
We have to fully understand that awareness is the primary drive that affects people's behavior and health choices, thus we have concentrated our continuous efforts to build awareness through a number of media and sponsorship efforts, as well as interactive groups. Our relentless efforts have helped bring positive action against the illnesses that affect the region, Show more where 1 in 5 people suffer from diabetes or other obesity related diseases.
We are proud of our track record and achievements having made a difference in the lives and health of our communities through our center in Sultanate of Oman. That was the dream that is now a reality.
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